
June 23, 2010

Hi there guys!!

I’ve been in Cork, in Ireland, now for four days and I’m having a great time! People are really warm and nice, the landscape is beautiful and we’re even enjoying some rays of sun (which I didn’t expected at all!)

This is Cork

I’m doing a very interesting course on pronunciation and I’m coming up with excellent tips to help you improve it.

Be prepared to work hard on pronunciation next year!

Tonight I’m going to a ceili (a traditional Irish party to dance and hear Irish music). I’ll tell you all about it!

In the meantime enjoy and good luck if you are still taking examinations!


June 1, 2010


On Monday, Alicia, Fernando, Sergio and I  were in the Contemporary Art Centre (CAC) in Malaga. There we saw some very interesting piece of art of this American artist that in 80’s played a important role in the birth of pop art.
The pieces of art that we saw were highly related to advertising.
An example is the piece of art of VW in which the artist makes a piece of art with the advert that the German car company made to sell  in America, showing the negative characteristics of the car.

James Dean, Rebel without a cause.

This famous piece of art in in the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York.

A Trip To London (Alex Gomez, Miguel Vera, Alberto Buftea)

May 27, 2010

-The flight price per person is 132,56 €. We fly with E-Dreams ( a low cost company)

-First we are going to accommodate at Hostel 639. Later we go to visit SOHO zone of london on foot.

-2 day. The first half of the day we will visit The monument, St Paul’s Cathedral and Museum of London. We lunch and later we visit the aquarium and london eye. I recommend to do it at night couse is a beautiful view. But that includes not to have dinner at the hostel (Bad Luck)

-3 day. First half of teh day we visit the westminister cathedral and  Paliament House (big ben) . Then we have lunch and afterlunch we visitit the golden hide, tower bridge and tower of london.

-4 and last day we visit Madame Tussaud’s and we have the rest of tha day to buy some thinghs in Camden Town Market.

That’s our trip to london, We expect that you’ll enjoy it. Ps: The dinner at the hotel is every day at 8 o’clock pm.

A Trip To London

May 24, 2010


In our work we could not get the flight, but still it would begin our trip at the airport in London. Then we will take a bus to go to the london centre.
– Our hotel is called ” Holiday Inn Hotel London-Kings Cross/Bloomsbury”
– The first day we will visit The Changing the Guard in Buckingham Palace, House of Parliament and Big ben, Westminster Abbey, London Eye, Picadilly Circus and National Gallery.
– The second day we will visit Tower of London, Tower Bridge and Camden Town.
– The third day we will visit British Museum, Madame Tussauds and Royal Courts of Justice.
Then we will return to Málaga by aeroplane but we have not it.

London PowerPoint

London Eye

Celia Agüera

Alicia Rios

Luciano Torres

Funny facts quiz

May 19, 2010

Try this funny facts quiz and see if you guess which fact is not true!

Click here.

Elections in the UK

May 14, 2010

As you all probably know by now, a General Election in Britain has recently been held (notice the passive voice!)

The ruling party is now a shocking coalition between Tories and Liberal Democrats. Do you know what it means?

Conservative MP David Cameron is the new prime minister of Great Britain, forming an unlikely alliance with Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg.  Watch this video and read the transcript if you want to know more.

More information here.

Noche en Blanco 2010

May 9, 2010


Next weekend  it will take place the third edition of La Noche en Blanco in Málaga. Malaga museums will be open all night, there will be live concerts, many art exhibitions and, of course, a lot of people on the street.

In the two previous years the number of visitors has increased and this year will continue to rise.

Surely, I’ll go! And if you go, you will have a good time!

Alain de Botton

April 24, 2010

As you are reading one of his books, I thought you might like to listen to him.

This is a short speech in which he examines our ideas of success and failure. Is success always earned? Is failure? He makes an eloquent, witty speech about how to find true pleasure in our work.

Remember you can watch it with English or Spanish subtitles.

Is that what war is supposed to be?

April 9, 2010

I came up with a really shocking video from the war in Irak.

It’s some video footage from a US Apache helicopter in 2007 showing American soldiers brutally massacring Iraqi civilians and Reuters journalists.

The soldiers mistake (or they just can’t be bothered to check?) some photographers for Iraqui insurgents carrying weapons (you’ll have to wait 5 min to get to the shooting bit in the video). It’s so outrageous! It looks like a video game but it’s real life. It scares me to death.

Code Pink is campaigning to let people know about this kind of things. The army shouldn’t get away with murder.

Here you can watch the video.

You can also read more information in Spanish clicking here.

Here is also a video showing a testimony of a repented soldier which tells what war trully is. Something encouraging for a change!

This is part of what he says:

Our real enemy is not the ones living in a distant land whose names or policies we don’t understand; The real enemy is a system that wages war when it’s profitable, the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it’s profitable, the Insurance Companies who deny us Health care when it’s profitable, the Banks who take away our homes when it’s profitable. Our enemies are not several hundred thousands away. They are right here in front of us
– Mike Prysner

A trip to London

April 7, 2010
Would you like to get to know swinging London? Here are some pictures from my last trip.


Tower Bridge

As I explained earlier in class, we’re going to plan a trip to London in teams.

Before you start, you can get familiar with the topic by listening to this text about a trip to London and doing the exercises.

Candem Town

This is the webquest I suggest we follow to do the project. Read the instructions carefully. We’ll have some time in class to discuss any questions you may have.